Sunday, 14 April 2013

Game Of Thrones Season 3 Cast and Show


"Based on the bestselling fantasy book series by George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones is an epic story of treachery and nobility set on the continent of Westeros, where summers and winters can last years, and only the lust for power is eternal. ...

"As Blackwater Bay cools [after the end of 2], the victors consolidate their power and rebuild King's Landing. But new challengers for the Iron Throne rise from the most unexpected places. Characters old and new must navigate the demands of family, honor, ambition, love and – above all – survival, as the Westeros civil war rages into autumn. ...

As season three begins, the Lannisters hold absolute dominion over King's Landing after repelling Stannis Baratheon's forces. Yet Robb Stark, King in the North, still controls much of the South as well, and has yet to lose a battle. In the Far North, Mance Rayder has united the wildlings into the largest army Westeros has ever seen. Only the Night's Watch stands between him and the Seven Kingdoms, but nobody knows what happened to its Lord Commander and the force he led beyond the Wall. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen – reunited with her three growing dragons – ventures into Slaver's Bay in search of ships to take her home and allies to conquer it."


Returning series regulars on Gameof thrones this season include: Emmy and Golden Globe winner Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Michelle Fairley (Catelyn Stark), Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister), Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister), Aidan Gillen (Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish), Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont), Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Richard Madden (Robb Stark), Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister), Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark), Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Baratheon).

Additional returning series regulars this season include: Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy), Jerome Flynn (Bronn), Rory McCann (Sandor "The Hound" Clegane), Conleth Hill (Varys), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth), James Cosmo (Commander Jeor Mormont), Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon), Carice van Houten (Melisandre), Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Rose Leslie (Ygritte) and Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell).

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Game Of Thrones Season 3

Game Of Thrones - Feel like you know nothing, Jon Snow? That will soon change! HBO has been teasing out little details on Game of Thrones Season 3, and today they released intel on the premiere, which will air on Sunday, March 31.
Inline image 1
Debut: Sunday, March 31 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET/PT)
Synopsis: "Jon is brought before Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, while the Night’s Watch survivors retreat south. In King’s Landing, Tyrion asks for his reward. Littlefinger offers Sansa a way out. Cersei hosts a dinner for the royal family. Daenerys sails into Slaver’s Bay."
Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO
Please visit

Game Of Thrones Houses

Game Of Thrones Houses

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


The world according to Don Draper (Jon Hamm). MAD MEN returns. Image: AMC.

"Are you alone?"

Three little enticing words spoken from the lips of an inquisitive and beautiful single woman which act like the ultimate red rag to a bull. The "bull" in this case being the enigmatic, just can't help himself playboy that is sixties ad-man supreme, the cool demeanoured Don Draper-back on his sublime self-annihilistic course of self-distraction and pleasure, played once again to perfection by Jon Hamm, in the new sixth season of Matthew Weiner's critically acclaimed MAD MEN, back on SKY ATLANTIC HD from Wednesday 10th April, transporting us with ease to the dying world that is the stylish and evocative late sixties: a heady brew of neon, nicotine and nylons.

Draper's supposed to be a renewed man- seemingly happily married to a younger woman, Megan (Jessica Paré), herself on the eve of her own career, but the burnt out ashes of past mistakes in his life and career continue to haunt his self obsessed frame. His work at Sterling Cooper Draper proves more intense than ever, the competition both internally and externally closing in like a pack of tigers (his once secretary/protege, Peggy (Elisabeth Moss), now in a league of her own), whilst the suicide of his former colleague, Lane Pryce (Jared Harris), continues to exert a hefty toll of guilt on his mind and spirit.

Just where will the ever-changing and evolving march of time into the dreary early seventies send our chain-smoking, chain-drinking anti-hero? And as the series weaves itself towards its finale years, will he soon be on the endangered species list like so many of the once distinctive brands he helped to create?

Stylish, provocative and an intriguing time capsule of the men and women who made the world to their own image, MAD MEN continues to strike a chord with viewers, whom love their quality television sharply cut.

Mad Men Season 6 Sneak Peek [EXTENDED] - YouTube

Official AMC FACEBOOK page for the series: Mad Men

Sunday, 31 March 2013


They're almost here... GAME OF THRONES boldly brings its dragons to bear in Season Three. Image: HBO.

Sex, sadism and swordplay- all in days work for the cast of the lavish and brutal GAMES OF THRONES, as its third season of epic storytelling- the first half of A Storm of Swords - begins tonight on the US HBO network, and tomorrow on the UK's SKY ATLANTIC HD. That he could conjure up incredible lands and characters above and beyond our imagination was never in any doubt, but who knew that such a cuddly old bear as George R. R. Martin could be so vicious and so naughty at the same time! And we wouldn't want him any other way!

Game Of Thrones Season 3: Trailer - YouTube

Horse-backed White Walkers and wide-winged dragons will gain greater prominence this season, alongside further heightened aspects of the spiritual and supernatural. Expect new alliances and building plans of revenge within and without the walls of the four families, amongst the many new characters joining the series (most notably Ciaran Hinds as the Wildling's intimidating leader, Mance Rayder, and Diana Rigg- having a good run in telefantasy this year- as the calculating, doesn't-miss-a-trick Olenna Tyrell). Martin will once again be handling the reins of one of this seasons key episodes- part seven, titled The Bear and the Maiden Fair. Other returning directors to the show, bringing style and atmosphere, include David Nutter and Alex Graves.

If our very own BBC has to wonder why the series has such a devoted following, then I worry that their dramatic film-making skills are on the wane. If I were in the top-tiers of company management, I'd have them all go out on a GAME OF THRONES viewing sabbatical so as to find out for themselves, and then steal from the best!

Game Of Thrones Season 3: Chaos Preview - YouTubeGame Of Thrones Season 3 Trailer #2 (HD) - YouTube

Saturday, 30 March 2013


Martian menace- the Ice Warriors return in DOCTOR WHO. Images: BBC.

"There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought."

Now that our Time Lord protector, the Doctor, has become far too human, showing an almost MILLS & BOON-esque obsession with his companions (and vice versa) in order to pull in new audiences who've never previously watched the series, my time watching modern DOCTOR WHO, starting up again on BBC 1 tonight, has now seen me more interested in saying Bring on the Monsters! than ever before, and this final batch of weird and wonderful aliens/creatures from the pen of Steven Moffat and his writing team, leading into the show's fiftieth anniversary 3D special later in the year, look set to be some of the most interesting yet, at least via the trailers and promotional images so far released by the BBC: the almost faceless top-hatted Whispermen (truly giving funeral parlour men a bad name!), the Crimson Horror (whatever that is-plague, possession?), the mummy-esque figure threatening The Rings of Akhaten, and a supernatural beastie that will surely make us all want to run and Hide.

The fearsome Whispermen, to be seen later in the run.
Silver terror. The Cybermen look more scary than ever.

And for fans of the above quote from the Second Doctor era, a time much beloved by star Matt Smith (his performance more a tribute to that fine character actor, Patrick Troughton, than ever before), there's the return of three of that monochrome period's distinctive and iconic nemeses: the formless Great Intelligence, which returned last Xmas to wage war on our hero with The Snowmen, and those formidable green Martian reptilian adversaries hissing and breathing long before Darth Vader made his booming entrance: The Ice Warriors, one of whom will be trapped with the Doctor and new companion Clara in a claustrophobic Das Boot'ish episode full of atmosphere and hopeful carnage: The Cold War. Finally, the survival driven Cybermen get the excellent new metal and silver makeover they deserve (is there an intergalactic version of Gok Wan out there doing this for them?), looking more suitably menacing and tear-drop eyes emotionless than ever before for the modern series, in what will hopefully be Neil Gaiman's exciting, and hopefully shocking, Nightmare in Silver...

Trailer: Doctor Who: New Series 7 Launch Trailer 2013 - BBC One - YouTube

Friday, 29 March 2013


Children of the REVOLUTION emerge on post-apocalyptic Earth. Image: NBC.

Mankind has seemingly come to the end of the road in its existence and ambition, its power supplies across the planet lost in a sudden, unexplained blackout catastrophe, an event witnessed fleetingly, and teasingly, at the start of the hot new US series from that fantasy factory of J.J. Abrams and BAD ROBOT, teamed with SUPERNATURAL creator Eric Kripke, starting on SKY ONE HD from tonight: REVOLUTION.

Fifteen years on from that fateful night, its huge cities deserted and atrophied, its material-made transport gone the way of the dodo, and its natural resources now coming directly from the land, civilization has to get back-to-basics against a backdrop of unrest from warlords and militias, of which the once innocent Matheson family, possessing a mysterious pendant that may ultimately be the key to unlocking the mystery of what happened all those years earlier, become undeserved fugitives from the powerful antagonist that is Sebastian Monroe (David Lyons), who wants to become the ruling figure of the entire United States and wipe out any and all opposition standing in his way. The idea of a world returned to power that isn't through his hands must never be realised...

With the exception of TWILIGHT's Billy Burke, paying another one those roguish types that have tried to follow in Harrison Ford’s original and weighty footsteps as Han Solo, and LOST/V’s lovely Elizabeth Mitchell, who, early on, appears in flashbacks that prove very LOST-like in their scene-setting (as the wife to one of the key players linked to the event launching Blackout), the show has no other relatively big name stars and is instead much more of a competent ensemble piece. In many ways, this decision, with such a surely expensive series to make, is to Abrams credit, continuing his trend of finding new faces and careers to launch.

Filmed in the forest and wildernesses of picturesque Georgia and North Carolina, directed with quality by feature film helmer Jon Favreau, this western/sci-fi blend aura to the series pilot holds the kind of subtle promise that will surely attract the kind of fan base Joss Whedon’s FIREFLY enjoyed a few years back. Ultimately, what I’ve seen of REVOLUTION so far, which isn’t much, hasn’t totally blown me away, but reviews online States-side have indicated that the series is gaining more story and character momentum, with a few shocks and surprises at the mid-season point, so I’ll see what happens to the Matheson’s and the pursuers for a little while longer. Possibly less convoluted and easier to follow in the long run, the show may perhaps prove long-term to be more relatable to audiences than some of Abrams previous weekly fantasy efforts: the also singular titled ALCATRAZ sadly bombed, despite another promising opener, whilst FRINGE made its five year duration mainly due to international sales success and a small but rabidly devoted fan base.

Check out some intriguing NBC promotional posters for the series, via the Sneak Peek website, here: REVOLUTION - THE TV SERIES