Friday 26 August 2011


The eight U.N.C.L.E. films were a huge success in Europe. But we can't even get the complete set officially in the UK!
Good news for MAN and GIRL FROM U.N.C.L.E. fans in the US-WARNER BROTHERS have now finally, officially released the formers entire collection of eight theatrical movies and the latter's one season only run on DVD, and in the best quality conversions available. This has been done through WARNER's MADE-TO-ORDER "ARCHIVE COLLECTION" DVD service which is exclusive to the US market. So bad news for us Brits: there's no such service here in Blighty or in Europe as far as I'm aware, and fans wanting to get hold of these releases will normally have to pay hefty fees and, more often than not, equally hefty customs/postal surcharges to get them, which is even more damn annoying.

Stefanie Powers as agent April Dancer in THE GIRL FROM U.N.C.L.E.

It may not be as good as MAN, but fans worldwide still deserve to be able to get this GIRL!
Launched a few years back, the WARNER MADE-TO-ORDER service has proved very successful, and given film and TV fans the opportunity to buy rarely seen on television or cinema material previously laid about gathering dust in Burbank vaults. If its making money for them in the US, why not overseas? Why can't we have the same here in the UK and Europe, or at least better, more diverse content- old and new films and TV- via on demand online viewing service? Someone at WARNER has to be bold, take their head out of the sand and use their initiative here. God bless those overseas people/websites selling this US based material when WARNER BROTHERS and the like clearly aren't, so far, brothered about it. Incredulously, you'd think that the studios, in these difficult times, would really want to capitalize more on every facet of their back catalogues to make money!

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