Wednesday 30 January 2013


Payback eyes! Nucky Thompson (Steve Buscemi) is ready in BOARDWALK EMPIRE Season Three. Image: HBO.

HBO's lavish gangster/prohibition era series, a loaded die of the best kind with strong, well-acted characters and beautiful cinematography: BOARDWALK EMPIRE, created by THE SOPRANOS Terence Winter, alongside notable executive producing duties from the legend that is Martin Scorsese, makes its fiery and exclusive third season debut on the UK's BLINKBOX and NOOK online digital viewing services this month, part of an expanding collection of acclaimed hit shows from the channel that previously launched on 10th December.

BOARDWALK's central star, the undisputed king of Atlantic City, Nucky Thompson -played with complex machination and a slick visage by zoot-suited Steven Buscemi- is only just holding on to his tarnished crown, feeling the pinch of a booming American economy but a deep loss in alcohol availability and profits, whilst his behind the scenes gangland control faces further competition from rival wannabes. On the personal front, things are just as calamitous, as his once marriage to ex-shop saleswoman Margaret (Kelly McDonald) gets a new notch in the hatred front, now that she has signed away his prior highway windfall profits- lost forever. I don't think reconciliation is now on the table! Ultimately, with such opposition, there's nothing worse than a dangerous animal being put into a corner-they normally strike back, and with Nucky he may deliver his deepest, fiercest blows yet!

Above the boardwalk there's sun and sand, but beneath it, the dark red tide of blown away bodies will soon be starting to float...

Boardwalk Empire Season 3: Trailer - YouTube

Before its eventual UK release on DVD and Blu-ray, exclusively purchase and watch BOARDWALK EMPIRE: The Complete Third Season on BLINKBOX here: Watch Boardwalk Empire Online | blinkbox and on NOOK: Boardwalk Empire: Season 3 - NOOK® UK

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