Friday 11 March 2011


Life for mankind in the 25th century has never looked better! Erin Gray as sexy Colonel Wilma Deering in BUCK ROGERS. Image: UNIVERSAL PLAYBACK.
When the US TV hit BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY, re-imagined from the classic comics and cliffhanger serials as a weekly series by Glen A. Larson and Leslie Stevens (as well as a prior film released theatrically in Europe and Canada), finally arrived on UK ITV screens every Saturday night in 1980, it quite soundly annihilated its British sci-fi rival on the opposite BBC 1 channel: the long running DOCTOR WHO (then in its eighteenth year of transmission). There are numerous reasons for this victory: it was new, its was amongst the glossiest of sci-fi products to come from the US following on the coat-tails of the success of the first STAR WARS movie (amongst the first of many enjoyable rip-offs to come), with its big budgeted look and incredible special effects, it had a cute robot (Twiki, voiced by WARNER BROTHERS legend Mel Blanc) that kids loved, and a great relateable human hero, with a lightness of touch about him in the best Roger Moore James Bond style, played by Gil Gerard. But, above all else, I think the most important factor was that it was one of the first sci-fi TV series to have sex appeal. And sex appeal in a very big way! Obviously the ladies had Mister Gerard to enjoy, but male viewers were in a veritable visual heaven with all the incredibly beautiful female guest stars that frequented the show every week, from Jamie Lee Curtis to Pamela Hensley, but none were more lovelier and appealing than Buck's faithful friend and spy/action partner, Colonel Wilma Deering, as played by the spirited and beautiful model/actress Erin Gray. At first, the seemingly untouchable ice-cool blonde, a true protector and warrior for the Earth Defense Directorate in which she served, was tough and no-nonsense with the intruder Buck Rogers, whose earlier 20th century life, skills, language and colourful metaphors clashed with her own ideals in the 25th century, but, following one exciting incident after another, her emotional barriers soon toppled, those lovely crystal blue eyes melted and her winning smile emerged, with her and Buck becoming the very closest of friends, and soon proving to be an invaluable and unbeatable team comprising both the best of the past, and the future, of humanity.

Not only was Wilma the greatest of eye candy, looking absolutely stunning in the different ultra-tight two piece outfits she wore every week (I don't know how she ever managed to get in them, but I'm very glad she did-I always liked her in the dark blue one myself!), she was also a great spy (always alluring to her victims in her numerous wigs/disguises, and more sexy outfits-never looking less than fantastic! (at one point she even attracts a Space Vampire!)), was a crack shot to rival STAR WARS Princess Leia, showed her skills as an experienced fighter pilot and, with some fine dry, yet sharp ,wit, was more than capable of punching out the lights of any baddie, as well as showing her often vulnerable side to her close friends, firmly making both Erin as an actress and Wilma as a character great role models for the gals and, as an icon, quite easily one of the best things to happen to sci-fi television at that time.

In the (space) navy! Wilma undergoes a character revision and gets a leggy new wardrobe in Season Two.
Beyond BUCK ROGERS, Miss Gray's TV/commercials work continues to the present day (alongside a whole host of past TV hit series appearances, including MAGNUM, P.I., STARMAN (as love interest Jenny Hayden in the series adaptation), THE LOVE BOAT, PROFILER, L.A. LAW and SUPERBOY), as well as a recent great voice acting turn as the alien computer CLEA in the excellent low budget sci-fi action movie from Sandy Collora: HUNTER PREY (if you haven't seen it, its well worth checking out), and she enjoys meeting her fans whilst frequently attending sci-fi conventions and signings across the world, where Erin remains as popular with them as ever; many of the guys still fondly remembering their teenage first crush on her with BUCK ROGERS. In 2007 she also got the chance to be re-united with friend Gil Gerard for a SY-FY Channel movie of the week, NUCLEAR HURRICANE, and also worked with him last year in the resurrected BUCK ROGERS TV movie (so far unreleased)- BUCK ROGERS BEGINS- where she played Frances Rogers to his William. It's great to see them both back together again: they always made a nice on-screen duo, and we wish them continued success for the future...

Both series of BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY are available on DVD from UNIVERSAL PLAYBACK.

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